
Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

Ethnicity is a fundamental part of African societies

In Africa, the question of who a person is includes which ethnic group they belong to. These affiliations have led to bloody conflicts on the continent and still shape politics and daily life in many places today.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The choice is not difficult

The choice is not difficult


A chance not to be missed

A chance not to be missed

In search of fair computers

In search of fair computers

Little islands of improvement

Little islands of improvement


Danger of nuclear-weapons

Danger of nuclear-weapons

Dialogue between human rights groups and trade unions

Dialogue between human rights groups and trade unions

Development finance

Study warns against expecting too much of microcredits

Study warns against expecting too much of microcredits

Gender mainstreaming

German Chancellor supports World Bank’s action plan

German Chancellor supports World Bank’s action plan

European Development Bank debars Lahmeyer

European Development Bank debars Lahmeyer


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.