Sub-Saharan Africa
Foreign policy

Germany lacks an Africa strategy

Foreign-policy think tank bemoans lack of German strategy on Africa


Tanzania in the middle of the reform process

Obstacles to political decetralisation in Tanzania

West African radio

Message from Benin’s Radio Ecole APM

West African radio stations need modern technology and sound business models

Budget support

Greater accountability

In Tanzania, budet support is making in difference in terms of fighting corruptions

World economy

Caught in global turmoil

An agenda for African governments in view of the global financial crisis


Global lack of medical doctors

Lack of health professionals is a global challenge


Hope dashed fast

New prime minister cannot inspire much hope in Zimbabwe


“The people are tired of war”

The reasons for Ethiopia to cooperate with Somalia’s moderate Muslim leader

World economy

Need for African action

African leaders must rise to global crisis

Health care system

Zimbabwe in the time of cholera

The reasons why Zimbabwe's cholera epidemic is out of control

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