Potential of tourism

Sustainable and ­development-friendly

Tourism can be made sustainable if the industry respects local people and protects the environment

Tourism for development

Live elephants have to be worth more

Ecotourism in Africa promotes sustainable development and nature conservation


Dimensions of responsibility

Things managers must consider if they want to run a hotel sustainably

Climate cooperation

Ghana through the eyes of an insider

Citizens of Bonn visit twin city Cape Coast


Benefit the host community

Tourists appreciate eco-friendly hotels, but often don’t want to pay the price

Sex tourism

Dubious reputation

Cambodia is seen as a heaven for paedophiles and sex tourists

Orphanage tourism

Orphanages: sites for abusive tourism

Tourists and volunteers fuel an exploitative system

Community-based tourism

Off the beaten track

How tourism can make a difference in Cata, a rural community in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province


Unknown reality

Weltwärts offers young people the opportunity to work and learn in a foreign environment

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