Central Asia, Caucasia, Southeast Europe and Russia
Peace talks

Marginalised government

The dangers of the US administration negotiating with the Taliban without involving the Afghan government


Limits of sovereignty

In view of China’s growing international engagement, we need a good definition of “south-south cooperation”

Financial markets

Turkey’s lira in downward spiral

Trump has not caused Turkey’s financial problems, but he is compounding them

Social media

When the government spreads fake news

Because of fake news regarding Ukraine and Syria, regular Russian citizens no longer know what is going on

A primer on post-truth life in Moscow

In Russia, nothing is true and everything is possible

Asian economies

New cross-border competition policy

ADB economists see need for multilateral rules to guide internet businesses

George Soros

Mission inspired by Karl Popper’s liberal philosophy

The global reach of the Open Society Foundations

Government campaign

The slandering of a philanthropist

The vilification of George Soros at the hands of the Hungarian government is baffling

Global warming

The case against fossil fuels

Public finances must serve to reduce greenhouse gases

Public budgets

Harmful government expenditure

Fossil fuel subsidies are unsustainable in both environmental and budgetary terms

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.