India’s Adivasis

Over 100 million people belong to India’s scheduled tribes

India’s Adivasi communities’ have traditional norms - and a special legal status


How central Indian forests become sites of conflict

When tensions escalate, Indian laws to protect the ecology and grassroots communities hardly make a difference


Islamist extremists operate like typical insurgents

In West Africa’s security crisis, local contexts have international ramifications

Our view

The nightmare of states that are too small

For informal businesses, state absence means people can only trust those who are close to them

Global governance

“Democratic states do not wage war on one another”

In global arena, irrational aspirations are pitted against reasoned deliberation


Ecosystems and other land-related resources must be secured

Due to unsustainable economic activity, huge quantities of useful land are lost every year, warns UN agency


Dramatically diverging Covid numbers

The dispute between the Indian government and the WHO regarding the Coronavirus death toll


Twitter could become a plutocrat’s toy

The implications of an important social-media platform depending on a billionaire’s whims

Social protection

Financing health systems for informal workers

Many informal workers cannot afford to pay cost-covering contributions, so cross-subsidisation is often needed

Informal sector

Social protection for everyone

Informal workers deserve to be shielded from shocks such as sickness and unemployment

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