In brief
World trade

Liberalisation has done Africa more harm than good

Liberalisation has done Africa more harm than good

Financial markets

East Asia re-considers foreign-exchange reserves

East Asia re-considers foreign-exchange reserves

G8 meeting

More money for microcredit and health

More money for microcredit and health

Spring meeting

IMF struggles for relevance

IMF struggles for relevance

HIV/AIDS: WHO and UNAIDS recommend circumcision

HIV/AIDS: WHO and UNAIDS recommend circumcision

Uganda tests GM bananas

Uganda tests GM bananas

Dialogue between human rights groups and trade unions

Dialogue between human rights groups and trade unions

Development finance

Study warns against expecting too much of microcredits

Study warns against expecting too much of microcredits

Communiqué on EU development policy

Communiqué on EU development policy

Gender mainstreaming

German Chancellor supports World Bank’s action plan

German Chancellor supports World Bank’s action plan

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.