East Africa

The key to Kenya’s industrial growth

Kenya’s textile and apparel sector is struggling with various bottlenecks


Marketing digital microinsurance

Increased use of mobile phones and mobile payment systems opens up unexpected possibilities for insuring disadvantaged people


Inclusive insurance for everyone

In times of climate crisis and pandemic, low-income groups worldwide need better access to affordable insurance

World Risk Index 2021

Small island states and Africa are particularly vulnerable

African societies are the most vulnerable when disasters strike

World Risk Report 2021

Social protection for disaster preparedness

Aid organisations call for high-income countries to support developing countries in social protection


Workers have mixed feelings about Ethiopian textile sector

Some see modern slavery in Ethiopian garments production, other appreciate the creation of jobs


Teachers urgently wanted

In Ghana, efforts to find a solution to teacher shortages are still ongoing

Climate justice

Climate justice cannot be left to market dynamics

There is an international trend to draft green deals, but they are not up to task

German Policymaking

Towards an equitable world

Svenja Schulze, Germany’s new federal minister for economic cooperation and development, has told D+C/E+Z what her priorities are

Development cooperation

In spite of the Taliban, Afghanistan deserves help

To support Afghanistan’s people, international community should restart development cooperation

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