UN forecast

55 countries will see their population shrink by 2050

UN statistics show that migration has an impact on how individual countries’ populations develop

Family planning

Fast population growth

Pakistan’s fertility rate is declining, but at a very slow rate


What sex education is really about

Pakistan shows why comprehensive sex education would improve young people’s lives

Economic policy

Interrelated challenges

African policymakers must consider several cross-cutting trends

Labour market

Masses of young people, too few jobs

How governance matters for creating full employment in Africa

Our view

Lay the foundations

Global trends must be managed in ways to ensure that 11 billion people can live good lives on Earth

Retirement provisions

From the iron rice bowl to the filial piety law

China’s one-child policy is having catastrophic consequences for millions of pensioners

Our view

Enterprising people with great ideas

If humanity is to develop in a sustainable way, we must create gainful employment for the millions of young people

Flagship report

12 to 15 million jobs

AfDB proposals for generating more productive employment in Africa

Girls and boys

Closing gender gaps in an NGO school

In Zambia, the Sun-spring Charity School enrols an equal number of girls and boys. It also uses gender-neutral language

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