Sub-Saharan Africa

“Focus on boosting domestic revenues”

African Tax Administration Forum to focus on boosting domestic revenues

Labour market

One of Zambia’s greatest challenges

Zambia’s youth frustrated by lack of opportunities

Opportunities for the young

“Diverse forms of learning”

African education ministers are becoming aware of informal sector’s relevance

Business development

Freedom to innovate

Global commons allow for innovation without patents


Problem, what problem?

Africans are worried about other things than China’s exchange-rate policy

German development cooperation

“Africa must unite”

Deutschland unterstützt regionale Integration in Afrika


Driving growth

Smart logisitics can boost private-sector development in SADC countries

Cross-border cooperation

Deep integration

Even though deep integration could serve developing countries, the strategy is politically controversial

Fragile statehood

Sudan ahead of elections

Why Sudan’s elections are likely to spell trouble


Business as usual

African footballer says games had to go on

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