Authoritarian dress code

Iran’s regime is trying to enforce hijab rules again

: In Tehran and other cities, many women are not covering their hair anymore in acts of public defiance

Our view

Sustainable development is inherently feminist

Feminist development strategies must dismantle gender inequality, because truly sustainable development depends on women


In Burundi, childless couples have a heavy burden to bear

Women and men report on the hardship of being involuntarily childless in Burundi

Women in conflict

Men must be held accountable

Women become victims in conflicts between men, so men must assume responsibility

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Demographic change

Slow decline of African birth rates

High fertility correlates with poverty – and compounds it

Women’s rights

Men must play their part in women’s empowerment

Mariame Racine Sow is a women’s rights activist from Senegal who appreciates that development and feminism are linked

Women's rights

Overview gender equality

Our overview compiles contributions on gender equality


Why we believe in our Digital Monthly

What purposes our Digital Monthly serves, and how it differs from the print issue

Cultural norms

Digitalising bride price payments

An entrepreneur developed an app to standardise brides prices in South Africa, that encounters much criticism

Gender justice

Encouraging women to profit from e-commerce in Africa

Female entrepreneurs play an important role in Africa’s fast growing e-commerce market, yet they keep encountering obstacles

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