Labour market

Developing Malawi’s food sector

Malawi’s food processing industry has great potential but cannot keep up with demand. Cooperatives can be part of the solution


A mobile app extends much-needed credit to smallholders

In Malawi, a new app helps farmers to organise their finances and ensures that they have funds available when they are most needed – during planting season

Water infrastructure

Using groundwater sustainably in sub-Saharan Africa

Groundwater offers considerable opportunities for socio-economic development, particularly in agriculture. The BGR is helping partner countries exploit this resource


UN report critical of poor water supply

Water-security levels are lowest in Africa and South Asia. The situation is not automatically improved by a high-performing economy

Water tenure

Fair access to water for all

In many places, water use is not sufficiently regulated by law. The FAO’s Global Dialogue on Water Tenure aims to make a difference

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Climate diplomacy

More must happen

While governments agreed on important issues at the Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, civil-society organisations did not get enough attention

HBO miniseries

“Chernobyl”: The cost of lies

The miniseries “Chernobyl” revolves around the worst nuclear accident in the world

Water supply

Equipping water utilities to meet SDG6

Billions of people have no access to drinking water and sanitary facilities.

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Political economy

How Xi Jinping is exacerbating China’s economic misery

Market dynamism requires the rule of law and freedom of speech, so authoritarianism limits economic growth

Press review

African media on the Russia-Africa Summit

On 27 to 28 July 2023, the second Russia-Africa Summit was held in Saint Petersburg. Here are excerpts of selected pieces of African media coverage on the meeting

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