Development project

Project develops rural community with shea butter

A sustainable rural city creates employment opportunities for rural dwellers in Uganda

Blind in Benin

In Benin, the blind struggle to fend for themselves

Benin’s visually impaired people deserve support from government, NGOs and religious charities

Informal sector

Social protection for everyone

Informal workers deserve to be shielded from shocks such as sickness and unemployment


Training tailors, cooks or service staff

Catholic nuns try to help young women in Zambia to escape poverty

DBL Group

“We are growing dynamically”

Automation will have multiple implications, positive and negative – for example people will have better training so their opportunities improve

Migration and education

High hurdles in German education system

Refugee children and their families have a hard time negotiating Germany’s complex, heterogeneous educational landscape.

Nigeria’s ICT market place

Success due to combination of factors

West Africa’s major ICT marketplace in Lagos is set to relocate

Aid effectiveness

Limiting economic Corona ­damage

What can be done against economic Corona damage

Gaming industry

The opportunity is right now

A game-design pioneer in Ghana tells about the challenges and constraints of his work

Sinti and Roma

Sinti and Roma demand equality and participation

Racism and antiziganism are deeply rooted in European societies

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