
Great opportunities

Information technology opens up new opportunities for improving governance


Systemic failure

Health is a global public good and must figure among the post-2015 development goals.

World Bank

Social inclusion

World Bank study calls for social inclusion and proposes meaningful measures

Lack of social safety net

From valuable to vulnerable

After civil war, many old people must fend for themselves in Sierra Leone

Teenage pregnancy

Right to childhood

The long term impacts of teenage pregnancies on girls and society

Social policy

First Global AgeWatch Index

New Global AgeWatch Index reveals need for pension reforms in many countries


Pensions for all elderly people

HelpAge warns that international agencies are paying too little attention to ageing of entire societies

Urgent issue

Fundamental principle

Social-protection innovations neither serve everyone in developing countries and emerging markets, nor do they cover all risks.

Social infrastructure

No rest in retirement

In Nigeria, many old-age pensioners have not enough to live on


Healthy clients

Pro Mujer: Why microfinance institutions should offer healthcare services too

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