
Global public good

Law of the jungle – why forests are disapperaring fast from developing countries and why Germans don't understand the reasons

Academic research

Property rights drive growth

To what extent do formal property rights serve economic growth?

The Philippines

Hope for Peace

Road to an autonomous Muslim region in southern Philippines remains bumpy


Making enemies talk

Promoting dialogue systematically helps to tackle Bolivian social conflicts by peaceful means

South Asia

Still estranged

Sri Lanka's civil war is over, but the government is acting in an increasingly authoritarian manner


Libyan arms and Malian turmoil

Why rebels in Mali were armed with small arms and light weapons from Libya

Potential for violence

The Kalashnikov curse

Small arms and light weapons cause more deaths than heavy weaponry in developing countries


Considerable change

In Mozambique, devolution is moving ahead, but much remains to be done


Justice delayed

Judgement against former dictator of Guatemala is landmark despite anullment by Supreme Court

Bitter Rivals

The people’s choice

Three weeks after the elections, Kenyans still do not know whether Uhuru Kenyatta will be their president

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