South Asia
Global affairs

How western diplomats should approach India

India is an indispensable giant, but human rights and democratic principles matter too

World Bank

Biden’s interesting choice for the World Bank’s top job

Ajay Banga, who thrived on Wall Street, will most likely be appointed World Bank president

Girl's education

Nepalese girls still don’t have equal educational opportunities

The lives of young women in Nepal are determined by traditions and taboos, even though the constitution guarantees them equal rights

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Education in India

Covid-19’s devastating effects on India’s education

The pandemic interrupted the education of 360 million Indian students and kept them trapped in their homes, mostly without any option for e-learning


Understanding people in their native language

Ever since author Martin Kämpchen learned to speak Bengali, he has seen India with new eyes

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Identity politics

The painful partition of India

How colonial India became two and eventually three different countries

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Religious totalitarianism

Iran’s protests resonate around the world

Women everywhere must be free to go where they like and dress as they please

Sovereign default

Sri Lanka’s reform agenda is intimidating

To get IMF support, Sri Lanka must achieve the restructuring of existing loans

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Why “slow politics” may make a difference in India

Part two of Krupa Ge’s account of Rahul Gandhi’s long march across India

Extreme weather

Climate impacts compound Pakistan’s pre-existing problems

Why this summer’s floods will reduce food security in Pakistan in the long run

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