SDG 13
Overview extreme weather

International response to climate crisis must speed up

Extreme weather is causing increasing damages, and it is possible to reduce

Food prices

Number of starving people worldwide is again on the rise

Rocketing food prices are only partly due to shortages; food speculation and energy prices are key drivers


Saving paradise

Madagascar’s rich nature is at risk and KfW tries to train fishermen to preserve the ecosystem they depend on

Central America

Planting diverse crops, securing livelihoods

Farming in a traditional and sustainable way benefits biodiversity and helps against external shocks


Exemplary wildlife conservation

Bolivian Lilian Painter campaigns for the preservation of the Madidi protected area in her country


Protecting both nature and the climate

Climate change and loss of biodiversity are mutually reinforcing – and KfW is taking that into account in its financing

Sustainable development

The future of the planet is on the line

Sustainable development includes progess for people, climate protection and biodiversity, insists German minister

Climate crisis

Extreme heat endangers health

Nigeria is facing extreme heat – people have to adjust their lifestyle

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