Multilateral affairs

Volatile scenario

In late April, important trade issues remained unresolved

World trade

Trump bullies and blackmails

The international community should unite against Trump’s irresponsible trade policy

Diplomats of the world unite – to help to contain Trump

A reckless White House needs to be opposed


“The Republican party must wake up”

How to prevent Donald Trump from causing long-term climate harm

Right-wing populism

Demonising others

Post-truth populists show no respect for facts and want everyone to believe that public opinion matters more than empirical reality

Official development assistance

A matter of enlightened self-interest

US-President Donald Trump`s budget plans for 2018 are alarming: he wants to slash official development assistance

Trump is dragging US democracy down into the dirt

Strongman attitudes and presidential aspirations

Subscribe to Trump


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.