
Ghana is setting a democratic example

Nana Akufo-Addo, Ghana’s next president, is facing huge macroeconomic challenges


Hard time to be president

Nigeria’s economy is in deep crisis


Robbed of a role model

South African President Jacob Zuma rocks the confidence of the whole region

Commodity prices

Explosive issue

Unless commodity exporting countries diversify their economies, crises loom


Back in the credit trap

Supposed model country Ghana is one again struggling with foreign debt

Public finance

Increasing debt problems

CSOs demand UN mechanism for solving debt crises

Public finance

Patriotic funds

African Development Bank considers Diaspora bonds promising for sub-Saharan governments

Multilateral institutions

Crisis credit

The IMF and multilateral development banks support middle-income countries , but bypass low-income countries in global financial crisis

Public-sector bank

Relative insulation

Brazil’s state-owned development Bank BNDES is probably more powerful than many of the country’s federal ministries

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