Global crises, local impacts

When a relatively strong African country is struggling on all fronts

If you want to know what impacts multiple global crises have on the daily life of a developing country, consider the example of Kenya


Prolonged hardship in Malawi

Many Malawians are disappointed with their government, abandoning the hope that their economic situation will change for better

Global governance

Reforming development finance

Proposed solutions include debt restructuring and cancellation, reform of multilateral development banks and mobilisation of domestic resources

Our View

Close funding gaps

The World Bank’s reform agenda is an urgent matter. To rise to global challenges, however, more money is needed too

Sovereign-debt crisis

“Without debt relief, Sri Lanka’s economy will keep deteriorating”

IMF policies did not solve Sri Lanka’s problems but made them worse, claims a sociologist who assesses the country’s ongoing debt crisis


Kenyans have taken to the streets

In recent months, demonstrators have protested against the sharp rise in the cost of living and tax increases. Thirty people have already died

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