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How South Africa negotiated its new government

South Africa’s elections on 29 May took the country into new political terrain. The African National Congress (ANC) lost its absolute majority. However, thanks to democratic forces’ willingness to cooperate, the damage was limited.

Landlocked nation

Nepal is sandwiched between two BRICS members

Keeping relationships with India and China good is necessary, but challenging for the government in Kathmandu.


How China is causing global shifts

China’s development over the last 40 years has been unparalleled. Hundreds of millions of people have escaped absolute poverty. Now the country is engaging in international development affaires – and using the BRICS+ as a platform.

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International cooperation

How India’s global influence could develop

GIZ has developed four scenarios based on India’s domestic development, its relationship to China and the west and the orientation of the BRICS+.

Our View

Why the unconvincing BRICS+ alliance looks so formidable

Because governments of – and people in – developing countries have lost faith in the G7, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa plus some newcomers can claim to speak for the so-called “Global South”

BRICS enlargement

Why more BRICS members are not necessarily better

By expanding to BRICS+, the group aims to position itself more strongly as a global player. But economic, geopolitical and internal tensions remain, despite or precisely because of the new members.

Development policy

Germany’s development policy serves all people

German international-development efforts benefit not only partner countries, but people living in Germany as well

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Global public goods matter for global development

The international community must address urgent worldwide challenges with full determination

Global governance

In world affairs, “person of colour” is a misleading term

The focus on racialised ideas of identities helps to hide problematic power dynamics in international relations

Urban housing

“A story of abandonment”

A devastating fire killed 77 of the poorest residents of Johannesburg, fuelling discussions about urban housing conditions in South Africa. In this interview, human-rights expert Nomzamo Zondo talks about the political and social context of the catastroph

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.