Rules of governance

Demise of Brazil’s democracy would speed up climate crisis

If President Bolsonaro stays in office, he will further undermine Brazil’s institutions of democratic governance


Goats farming reduces poaching

Farmers are encouraged to breed goats so they do not have to destroy wildlife to survive

India’s Adivasis

Over 100 million people belong to India’s scheduled tribes

India’s Adivasi communities’ have traditional norms - and a special legal status


How central Indian forests become sites of conflict

When tensions escalate, Indian laws to protect the ecology and grassroots communities hardly make a difference

Environmental protection

Cleaning up Mexico’s water bodies

A NGO hopes to raise awareness for pollution with clean-ups of plastic waste from coastal areas and water bodies across Mexico

Relevant reading

Climate hazards are increasing fast

UNEP demands fast climate action to prevent even more extreme weather


Ecosystems and other land-related resources must be secured

Due to unsustainable economic activity, huge quantities of useful land are lost every year, warns UN agency


Stemming the tide of plastic waste

With the decision to conclude new global treaties, UN members are rising to a daunting environmental challenge


For a sustainable future, Malawi must restore forest lands

Country in southern Africa needs a vigorous programme of land conservation and tree-planting to reverse the steady erosion of forests

Coherent policymaking

Weak governance systems do not consider long-term trends

In least-developed countries, community resilience depends on eco-system resilience

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