Identity politics

Increasingly aggressive

In spite of India’s constitution, Modi government is adopting aggressive anti-Muslim policies

US politics

Anti-Semitic Zionists

How Evangelicals have usurped Jewish American’s support for Israel

Our view

Common ground

World religions share important principles, including peace, justice and charity

Populist delusions

Self-declared "patriot" wants "globalist" help

The absurdity of what Trump just said at the UN needs to be pointed out


More pressure is likely to make Iran’s regime more reckless

How to respond to the Hormuz Strait tanker crisis


Nationalist rhetoric does not help in international arenas

Why populists failed to build European alliance


Trump is in trouble and increasingly erratic

Telling Pompeo they want peace with Iran was the minimum European leaders had to do

Geo-strategic danger

How sanctions can cause war

The European attempt to circumvent US sanctions against Iran may prove too little, too late

Relevant reading

“Free trade” in the 19th century

Illegal drugs and politics: current problems and the historical background

Nuclear Deal

Protecting the Iran deal from Donald Trump

UN leaders laugh at US president in New York

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