Global crises, local impacts

When a relatively strong African country is struggling on all fronts

If you want to know what impacts multiple global crises have on the daily life of a developing country, consider the example of Kenya

Post-colonial misery

Whose development?

In the eighth decade of international aid efforts, former colonial powers are still privileged

Sustainable Development Goals

Inequality is getting worse according to UNDP

This year’s Human Development Report emphasises the relevance of global public goods and the need for international cooperation.

Global development

Facilitating constructive cooperation in a multipolar world

If the international community splinters into multiple orders, we will lose the race against climate change, social polarisation and biodiversity loss.

Climate crisis

Drought means national disaster in Zambia

Agriculture and electric power generation are falling short

Global governance

International community lacks a coherent idea of aid

Development cooperation is better than the conventional wisdom admits

Undocumented immigrants

Immigrants trapped in illegality

In Johannesburg, clerics and worshippers say their conscience is torn between illegal money and seeing their churches impoverished, because they fund their churches with illegal mining.

Our View

Why ODA is better than its reputation in donor countries

Official development assistance has helped countries to prosper, and it increasingly serves global public goods.

Global agenda

Global public goods matter for global development

The international community must address urgent worldwide challenges with full determination

Village savings and loan schemes

Credits save life and promote resilience

Credit and savings from the village savings and loan schemes are used by Malawians for several purposes. For many, it provides money for common groceries in times when agriculture harvests decline.

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.