
Nowadays: A midwife becomes politician

Patricia Galicia: A Guatemalan midwife becomes a political leader

Public Health

“Mental health issues are totally underrated in Africa”

UN special envoy assesses health-care challenges in Africa

Post-2015 agenda

“New spirit”

Members of UN High-Level Panel on Post-2015 Agenda involve business leaders in debate


Equal partnership

A way to ensure research cooperation at eyelevel between junior scientists from Africa and their German peers

Higher education

The people want to learn

Why many Brazilian students choose to go to night school after work


Santal worries

The young generation of India's Adivasis struggles with tough problems other youth do not have


Information in strong demand

Sex education is an urgent issue in Douala, and a civil-society organisation DUCA is rising to the challenge


“Out of touch”

African universities must prepare for professional work

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