
Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

BRICS-members are not coordinating their West-Africa strategies

Various non-African powers are interested in African resources and eager to get a military foothold on the continent. However, BRICS members are not coordinating their efforts, as Vladimir Antwi-Danso, the dean and academic director of the Ghana Armed Forces C...

Hans-Joachim Preuss, German Agro Action

“Afghanistan is not ready for a central state yet”

“Afghanistan is not ready for a central state yet”

John M. Powell, UN World Food Programme

“There are no surpluses”

“There are no surpluses”


550,000 additional vocational-school teachers by 2010

550,000 additional vocational-school teachers by 2010


Desire for change

Desire for change


Industry self-regulation

Industry self-regulation

“We can make a difference”

“We can make a difference”


Drug traffickers of the Caribbean

Drug traffickers of the Caribbean

UN reform

Two documents of dissent

Two documents of dissent

Donor policy

Auditors criticise US food aid as bureaucratic and…

Auditors criticise US food aid as bureaucratic and inefficient

