Soziale Entwicklung
Church-state relations

Prophetic speech and witness

25 years after the end of apartheid, South African church leaders are considering what role to play in politics

Subsidiarity principle

We don’t take orders from the government

Religious freedom in Germany’s constitutional order

International organisations

A reform agenda for the ILO

The tripartite setting of the ILO was useful in the past, but it does not represent the world of work adequately today

Global governance

Labour is not a commodity

The ILO was established to promote social justice 100 years ago – and that mission stays relevant

Health care

Epicenter of fake pharma

Because of poverty, bad governance and inadequate infrastructure, African pharma markets are dysfunctional

Donor action

Bismarck’s tools for nation-building

Social protection is a driver of healthy economic development

In defence of the SDGs

Excessive suspicion of private-sector interests does not help

Poverty targeting

Six main methodologies

How to identify poor people for the provision of support

Poverty alleviation

Costs and benefits of poverty targeting

The more accurate a poverty-targeting strategy is, the more expensive it is

Our view

Wisdom and foresight

To rise to the challenges of IT, the global community will need yet more political innovations

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.