Government revenue

Taxes for the future

Prudent tax policies serve to manage natural resource wealth appropriately

Public finance

Serving the people by taxing them

Gambia’s revenue authority is making progress

Public Finance

“Taxes don’t bother investors much”

Why investors do not worry much about developing countries’ tax rates


Why taxes serve prosperity

No representation without taxation


Trust in the state

A good tax system promotes people’s trust in the state

Public-finance management

In the fast lane

Rwanda’s public-finance management is improving fast


Spending other people’s money

To become more accountable, local governments are set to collect their own taxes

Public Finance

Simple, low and fair

Germany’s development minister: Taxes should be simple, low and fair

Public finance

Re-starting from scratch

Re-starting Liberia’s tax system from scratch

Government revenue

Ambitious reforms, good results

Nigeria is moving forward on enforcing tax laws

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