Food security

Wasting valuable grains

According to FAO, a third of all food produced worldwide is wasted

Ecological destruction

Conquest by chainsaw

Logging in the subtropical dry forest deprives indigenous people in Argentina of their livelihood


Sustainable use

Governments and the private sector must make the timber trade more sustainable

Global challenges

Pay attention to co-benefits

Co-benefits – development efforts can reduce poverty and secure global public goods at the same time


Global trends

Every year more and more rainforest is being cleared – damaging humans and the climate

Central Africa

Tropical forest in peril

Ephrem Balole et al: The government of the DRC is not doing nearly enough to protect the rainforest

Organic agriculture

Deluge impact

A. K. Ghosh: Salt-resistant landraces inspire hope after sea flooded fields in Ganges Delta – but more seed is needed

Forests degradation

The end of over-optimism

Poor people's access to resources and governance are core issues of reducing carbon emissions from deforestation


Conflict over water

River and lake borders are not always clearly defined in Africa, so water disputes are common

Water resources

Comprehensive strategy

Dealing with flood risks requires holistic approaches

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