Development cooperation of the European Union

Pave the way to the green economy

Europe must pave the path to the “green economy“


The troops may leave, but the EU will stay

Europe’s Development Commissioner Piebalgs on aid to Afghanistan and other crisis countries


Do something about it

Cooperation with Muslim countries is hamperd by overblown European fears


Upheaval in North Africa

Germany’s Development Minister Dirk Niebel on how he is supporting the Arab Spring


European dilemma

Refugees: European dilemma

Protests in the Arab World

Holiday paradise and police state

Why Ben Ali fell and the West is not in favour in Tunisia

EU Green Paper

Call for realism

EU Commissioner Piebalgs wants to boost climate-friendly electric power in Africa


Tough talking

Africans and Europeans talked, but didn’t agree in Tripoli

European Union

A wake-up call for less arrogance

Africa-EU-Partnership JAES needs revitalisation

Budget support

Undermining democratic control

German think tank criticises EU approach to budget support

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