
Against the mass planting of eucalyptus trees

Kenyan legislators are seeking to ban the cultivation of eucalyptus along riparian lands, because the trees deplete the water, often resulting in the drying up of streams, aggravating the effects of climate change.


The hard lot of old people

In Malawi, many elderly people are viewed as a burden and becoming victims of violence and other abuse.

Fighting misinformation

Promoting media literacy to fight misinformation

A young Zimbabwean cares about media literacy and is conducting a social experiment in which she monitors the spread of rumours using face-to-face interactions with rural folk.

Business practices

The dubious practices of digital money lenders

Customers complain about the dubious methods used by money lending apps to claim their money back.

Food habits

Popular street food in Uganda

Among the low-income earners the chapati has taken a distinct identity as a staple food.


Cultivating easier crops

Due to multiple shocks like skyrocketing of prices of seeds, pesticides and fertilisers, many Malawian smallholder farmers are giving up tobacco growing.

Human-rights abuse

Evicting indigenous people

In an ambitious plan to protect forest habitats and contain the climate crisis, Kenya wants to resettle the indigenous Ogiek people from their habitat, the Mau Forest.


The fate of a Rwandan man with disability

Oswald Tuyizere’s legs are disabled after an infection with polio as a child. The challenges that he faced during his education encouraged him to create an easier world for children with disabilities.


Modern dowry payment in Kenya

Today, the dowry provides an opportunity to celebrate together and strengthens the cultural identity, customs and traditions that are passed on from one generation to the next.

Ecological change

Ghana introduces emissions tax

Law makers argue that the policy will reduce the carbon footprint and mitigate the negative effects of pollution on public health and the environment. Some economists disagree.

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