
The hard lot of old people

In Malawi, many elderly people are viewed as a burden and becoming victims of violence and other abuse.

Lapsed immunisation

“There is a lot of genocidal rhetoric”

In Gaza, the first case of polio after 25 years is a harsh example of what the collapse of healthcare means in times of war. This crisis is human-made, and Israel bears responsibility, as medico international’s Chris Whitman told Hans Dembowski in an inte


The sudden fall of Bangladesh’s autocratic prime minister

Why Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh’s longest serving leader, had to resign on 5 August.


How can we infer the colour of a person’s skin?

Toni Morrison’s short story about two girls – one black, one white – gives no clue about which is which.

Women’s rights

Addressing gender-based violence in Colombia

Colombia remains marked by violence, and women and girls suffer particularly. The social enterprise “Proyecto Florecer” provides targeted support.

Human-rights abuse

Evicting indigenous people

In an ambitious plan to protect forest habitats and contain the climate crisis, Kenya wants to resettle the indigenous Ogiek people from their habitat, the Mau Forest.


The literary power of Black women writers

German edition of “New Daughters of Africa” anthology presents Black female authors.


Advantages and pitfalls of sanctions

A political scientist provides insights into the impacts of sanctions as a primary tool for leverage in international politics.

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Healing a post-genocide society

Rwanda has invested much in healing the society from the trauma of genocide, it introduced traditional Gacaca courts and socio-therapy.


Modi won, but no longer looks invincible

Because masses of India’s left-behind people voted against the incumbent government, its leading party, the Hindu-supremacist BJP, now depends on allies, no longer enjoying a parliamentary majority of its own.

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