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Advantages and pitfalls of sanctions

A political scientist provides insights into the impacts of sanctions as a primary tool for leverage in international politics.

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Healing a post-genocide society

Rwanda has invested much in healing the society from the trauma of genocide, it introduced traditional Gacaca courts and socio-therapy.


Modi won, but no longer looks invincible

Because masses of India’s left-behind people voted against the incumbent government, its leading party, the Hindu-supremacist BJP, now depends on allies, no longer enjoying a parliamentary majority of its own.


Why prominent Israeli scholar wants Germany to confront Netanyahu

According to Moshe Zimmermann, extremists on both sides have been obstructing the peace process in the Near East for a long time


A dangerous superstition

In many countries, people with albinism are stigmatised because of their light skin and hair, as well as their visual impairments. This discrimination is particularly prevalent in some African countries. Education is vital to protect those affected.

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International affairs

Why BRICS+ may prove weaker than expected

By admitting six new members to their informal group, the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) may be thwarting its capacity for collective action.

Large-scale projects

Chinese funded steel mill displaces locals in Zimbabwe

The promises and expectations of the government have been met with doubt by locals who are already facing adverse effects due to the ongoing project.

Social disparities

India’s tiny plutocratic elite is growing fast

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has delivered pro-rich growth

Gender rights

Pakistan’s politically assertive women

Against the backdrop of the global #MeToo movement, a new wave of feminist politics swelled up in Pakistan

Historical responsibility

Misguided fight against antisemitism

For good reason, it is considered antisemitism to assess Israel in a more critical light than other states. However, philosemitism – a prejudiced endorsement of anything Jewish – is not helpful in fighting antisemitism.

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.