Learning Chinese

The Mandarin road to success

Learning to speak Chinese opens a wide range of job opportunities in Zambia

Weather forecasts

Waiting for rain – and advice

Crop farmer Elinat Daka relies on nature for a good yield, and timely weather-based advice would help


Crop insurance and weather forecasting are closely linked

Crop insurance and more accurate weather forecasts will help farmers to cope with climate change


Think local, buy local

In difficult economic times, Zambia encourages consumers to buy local goods


New homes for orphaned children

Zambia supports integrating orphaned or abandoned children into family settings

Financial inclusion

Taking it to the bank

Zambia has set itself a goal of universal access to financial services

Cobalt mining

Battery-powered growth

Zambia is looking to boost production of cobalt for use in electric vehicles

Fish farms

Catch of the day

Zambia aims to boost its fish stocks by encouraging commercial fish farming


Medical myths may be deadly – in Zambia, for instance

Zambia’s rise in dead-on-arrival cases may result from misconceptions about Covid-19


The little tuber that could

Industrial users of cassava are opening new vistas for Zambia’s farmers

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.