Bevölkerung, Familienplanung
Race and identity

The difficulty of quantifying diversity in the US

Government attempts to quantify the diversity of United States residents have always fallen short. Outdated understandings of race are part of the problem.

National census

Counting the number of people

The Ugandan government is conducting a census after a decade, estimating the country’s population to be over 40 million people.

Village savings and loan schemes

Credits save life and promote resilience

Credit and savings from the village savings and loan schemes are used by Malawians for several purposes. For many, it provides money for common groceries in times when agriculture harvests decline.

Indigenous identity

Indigenous people make themselves heard through art

In an exhibition at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in Cologne, Indigenous Australians show their cultural diversity, history and identity


Over half a million children are suffering from malnutrition

In the last harvest season, a flood destroyed most of the crops in the Machinga district in the southern region of Malawi

National cuisine

Every guest is welcome at the dinner table in Podor

Senegal’s national dish is thiéboudienne: rice with fried or dried fish and mixed vegetables such as cabbage, aubergine, okra, squash or sweet potato

Local health experts

Engagement for healthy babies and mothers

A health advisor from Senegal explains what advice she gives to young mothers on how to properly feed and care for their babies

Childhood anthropology

How culture shapes early childhood

Cultural variations in learning and parenting persist across the globe. However, globalisation and the market economy are changing parenting patterns in all cultures

Patriarchal attitudes

How family planning sometimes depends on church or mosque

In West Africa, some faith-based networks promote demographic change


Experiencing feminism in Uganda

In “The First Woman”, Ugandan author Jennifer Makumbi portrays the many facets of feminism in Uganda

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