
Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.

Defending the progress made

A great deal has changed for the better for queer people in Germany in recent decades. At the same time, they continue to be victims of targeted physical and psychological violence. The figures for hate crime directed against them are rising. All democrats sho...

Food aid

Praise and censure by the FAO

Praise and censure by the FAO

Civil crisis prevention

Big words, little action

Big words, little action


“UN tribunals are helping”

“UN tribunals are helping”

Planless on Africa’s battlefields

Planless on Africa’s battlefields

Planless on Africa’s battlefields

World Bank

A fresh start needed

A fresh start needed


Power to the people

Power to the people

Agricultural development

“Inclusive processes are essential”

“Inclusive processes are essential”


Progress undone

Progress undone

Problem-solving abilities

What the future can teach us

What the future can teach us

Hans-Joachim Preuss, German Agro Action

“Afghanistan is not ready for a central state yet”

“Afghanistan is not ready for a central state yet”