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Sheillah Abaho

is a Uganda writer based in Kampala.

Alle Artikel von Sheillah Abaho

Local businesses

“Brutal enforcement and high penalties”

Local traders and businesspeople in Uganda decry strict tax collection amidst worsening economic conditions.

National census

Counting the number of people

The Ugandan government is conducting a census after a decade, estimating the country’s population to be over 40 million people.

Food security

Edible-insect traders decry low harvests

Grasshoppers are a protein-rich popular food in Uganda, but their numbers are dwindling


Uganda’s roads are not safe

Despite efforts to build road infrastructure, the country still struggles with the maintenance of the roads, many of which are cluttered with potholes or have been completely washed away

Music festival

Ugandan government prefers money over morality

Although many consider the Nyege Nyege festival in Uganda immoral, the government supports the profitable event

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