
How Mauritian journalists report about women

Researcher provides evidence of Mauritian media not treating both genders equally

New Federal Government

Several things to like

Two development scholars assess coalition agreement of Germany’s new federal government

Polish border crisis

“There are viable and humane solutions”

Migration researcher calls for humane border controls

Pandemic impacts

Covid-19 means more debt and more forced labour

Garment workers are worse off due to the coronavirus pandemic

The arts

Returning looted African art

In cooperation with African partners, Frankfurt’s Museum of World Cultures is tackling the issue of artefacts stolen in colonial times

Restitution of looted art

A difficult task

Debate on restitution of colonial looted art in Germany and France

Climate protection

Lawsuits brought by young ­activists worldwide

Young climate activists from all over the world and their successes


Climate protection is a children’s right

Young activists are taking legal action to demand climate protection from policymakers

Gaming industry

The opportunity is right now

A game-design pioneer in Ghana tells about the challenges and constraints of his work

Our view

Risks and opportunities of digitalisation

Digital transformation of society and the economy requires government regulation

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