Finanzsysteme in Entwicklungsländern
Social entrepreneurship

A balancing act

NGOs are founding companies in order to fund themselves with profits


Supporting SMEs in Africa

Small and medium-sized enterprises need innovative financing options – and crowdfunding is one


Development of African ­crowdfunding platforms

The development of national African crowdfunding platforms needs to be gradual

Financial sector

What is crowdfunding?

Crowdfunded projects are financed by large numbers of backers


Growing inequality and environmental dangers

Joint EADI-Nordic conference will assess challenges of globalisation in Bergen in August


Loans for living and luxury

Zambia’s middle class is weighed down by debts


India’s sensible, but insufficient crop insurance

Narendra Modi's scheme will hardly help the rural poor

Monetary union

Lessons not learned

Greece’s crisis reminds African observers of failed structural-adjustment programmes

Public finance

Increasing debt problems

CSOs demand UN mechanism for solving debt crises

Insurance industry

New horizons

International insurance companies are increasingly interested in African markets

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