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Raphael Mweninguwe

ist ein freier Journalist aus Malawi.

Alle Artikel von Raphael Mweninguwe

Village savings and loan schemes

Credits save life and promote resilience

Credit and savings from the village savings and loan schemes are used by Malawians for several purposes. For many, it provides money for common groceries in times when agriculture harvests decline.


Prolonged hardship in Malawi

Many Malawians are disappointed with their government, abandoning the hope that their economic situation will change for better


Over half a million children are suffering from malnutrition

In the last harvest season, a flood destroyed most of the crops in the Machinga district in the southern region of Malawi

Gender equality

In Malawi, women are still not allowed to fish

Project on sustainable fishery deliberately targets women to “bridge the gender gap”


Malawi ermutigt Frauen, zur Krebsvorsorge zu gehen

Aus religiösen und kulturellen Gründen wollen viele Frauen in Malawi nicht ins Krankenhaus gehen und sich auf Gebärmutterhalskrebs untersuchen lassen

Gender-based violence

How Malawi is protecting disabled persons from sexual abuse

The Malawian government is investing in community awareness programmes targeting traditional leaders and families with disabled members


Ruins after cyclone Freddy

After the devastating cyclone Freddy hit Malawi, the country’s administration promises to implement strong measures to build climate resilience


Overwhelming health challenges

In Malawi, hospitals and health facilities are overburdened and on the verge of collapse, the government is powerless due to financial restraints


Schweres Schicksal

In Familien mit behinderten Kindern in Malawi tragen die Frauen die Hauptlast – und sie werden oft von ihren Ehemännern und Gemeinschaften im Stich gelassen


No water in hospitals

Hospital patients suffer from lack of water in Malawi

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