Points to keep in mind

The people living in the area must trust the stakeholders: On-site groups will not be perceived as humanitarian or development organisations, but rather will be assessed according to whether they meet the needs of the local population. In this regard, it is essential to put the local people at the centre of all efforts. The priorities must be to strengthen their coping strategies and skills, and to involve them in decision-making.
The effects of the conflict and the crisis must be analysed in their broadest sense as well as in relation to the various groups affected (host communities, internally displaced persons, refugees, returnees, vulnerable groups, gender and age groups).
Projects and programmes must be implemented both in areas still affected by the conflict and in areas not affected. Otherwise, tensions are likely to build up and the conflict will spread to so-far-unaffected areas.
The focus on a comprehensive approach should not distract from the fact that humanitarian needs in the region remain high and need to be met fast. It is particularly urgent to get access to communities that are currently cut off from humanitarian aid. (fb)