Intra-African migration

Unwelcome neighbours

South Africa has seen several waves of migration from Zimbabwe. After apartheid, Zimbabweans were welcome. But with South Africa’s own economic problems, they have been met with growing hostility over the past years.


Running dry

Zimbabwe’s drought drags on, causing severe hardships across the population and with no end in sight


Stranded in the slums

Zimbabwe’s urban population is growing fast, and many of the new arrivals end up in slums with disastrous living conditions

Land reform

Zimbabwe’s waste land

According to experts, Zimbabwe’s people benefited hardly from the fast-track land reform


Mission impossible

Hardly reason to celebrate: one year of awkward power sharing in Zimbabwe


Hope dashed fast

New prime minister cannot inspire much hope in Zimbabwe

Health care system

Zimbabwe in the time of cholera

The reasons why Zimbabwe's cholera epidemic is out of control

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