OECD guidelines

Forgotten principles

The OECD’s Fragile State Principles are hardly being implemented

Public Health

“Mental health issues are totally underrated in Africa”

UN special envoy assesses health-care challenges in Africa

Democratic principles

Tough challenges

Governments are increasingly stifling civil society

Free Democrats

Self-determined lives

The Free Democrats' international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Social Democrats

Partner of the poorest

The Social Democrats’ international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Green party

We need clear policies

The Greens’ international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Post-2015 agenda

“New spirit”

Members of UN High-Level Panel on Post-2015 Agenda involve business leaders in debate

Germany's Left

Crying injustice

The Left’s international-development agenda for the next Bundestag

Christian Democrats

German competence

The Christian Democrats’ international-development agenda for the next Bundestag


Equal partnership

A way to ensure research cooperation at eyelevel between junior scientists from Africa and their German peers

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