
Debt situation is escalating in many developing countries

Multilateral action is needed to get a grip on debt problems in low-income countries

Women’s rights

Partnering with women’s groups can curb gender violence

Local women’s rights groups are often overlooked when global aid organisations plan responses to humanitarian crises. This should change


“Disabled sports are indispensable”

The president of the German Disabled Sports Association speaks in an interview about the importance of sports and international cooperation


Elections in Kenya disputed once again

After the country’s 2022 presidential elections, the Kenyan Supreme Court is once again being asked to fix politics

Food security

“Smallholder farms must benefit from innovations”

Research must pay more attention to family farms, says Hildegard Lingnau of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation

Relevant Reading

On the way to a multipolar world order

China's rise means the US and Europe need to adjust their foreign policy to avoid losing geopolitical influence

Human rights

Legal frameworks to protect disabled people

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the UN’s 2030 Agenda guarantee rights to protection and participation


"The UN must adapt to global change"

Ugandan environment scholar says poor coordination thwarts UN agencies’ effectiveness


Managing climate risk with private insurance

In low income countries, the business climate must improve for insurance companies

Social protection

Financing health systems for informal workers

Many informal workers cannot afford to pay cost-covering contributions, so cross-subsidisation is often needed

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