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Dasmani Laary

ist Journalist in Ghana.  

Alle Artikel von Dasmani Laary

Ecological change

Ghana introduces emissions tax

Law makers argue that the policy will reduce the carbon footprint and mitigate the negative effects of pollution on public health and the environment. Some economists disagree.


Wie Ghanas Tourismusbranche um die Diaspora wirbt

Nachfahren verschleppter Sklaven reisen nach Westafrika auf der Suche nach ihren familiären Wurzeln.

Nature preservation

Unknown individuals cut down an ancient tree

Many Ghanaians expressed their anguish and sadness on social and traditional media when an ancient tree fell, stressing its relevance to their lives and the need to conserve a rich cultural legacy.

Informal business

Hard working female head porters in Ghana

In Ghana, many rural, poor women are left with no option but to take up labour-intensive blue-collar jobs, such as carrying heavy loads with pans on their heads.

Environmental destruction

Tackling illegal mining in Ghana

Destructive mining practice led to extensive deforestation, water pollution and land degradation, causing substantial irreversible damage to Ghana’s natural resources and threatening the livelihoods of rural dwellers.


Disabled people allowed to drive in Ghana

In Ghana, persons with disability such as the deaf will be issued with a driver’s licence upon passing training and testing prescribed by the authorities

Food security

Female farmers need more support in Ghana

In Ghana, female farmers are essential for ensuring food security and nutrition, but they often face systemic challenges


Gefängnisse in Ghana entlasten

Die Gefängnisse in Ghana sind stark überfüllt, eine Lösung dafür wäre, bei leichten Vergehen nicht gleich eine Haftstrafe zu verhängen

Public debt

Ghana is seeking financial bailout

Ghana needs financial help for its overwhelming debt burden, but the government’s plan to seek a new IMF loan is harshly criticised


Expensive input

Ghanaian farmers can’t afford fertiliser anymore

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Um die UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung zu erreichen, ist gute Regierungsführung nötig – von der lokalen bis zur globalen Ebene.