
New president, old problems

Argentina has to reform its political system and economic model

Development finance

Principles traded for efficiency

A new study finds that the AIIB may undermine multilateral bank standards, and that Europe’s members can save them


Inventing narratives

Why a rational individual may knowingly follow an irrational market trend

Ethnographic study of a Swiss bank’s financial analysts

Social anthropologist has studied a Swiss bank’s financial analysts


One-man state

The policies of Turkish President Erdogan are destroying trust in Turkey both at home and abroad

Financial markets

Turkey’s lira in downward spiral

Trump has not caused Turkey’s financial problems, but he is compounding them


Brazil's IMF experience

In similar settings, Brazil’s experience with the IMF was much better than Argentina’s

The dangerous downward spiral of Turkey’s economy

Erdogan and Trump are both acting recklessly

Argentina, financial turmoil and the AIIB

Central Bank in Buenos Aires raises interest rates to 40 %

Global trade

“I do not know whether the WTO will survive”

Indonesian economist explains why unpredictable policymaking hurts global trade

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