
Corruption has become the norm

Corrupt police is a great problem in Malawi


Gender violence aggravated with Ebola

Gender violence got worse in Sierra Leone since the outbreak of Ebola

Press freedom

Jailing journalists

Press freedom in Ethiopia is threatened, with women journalists especially marginalised

Urban traffic

Happy cycling

A cycling group in Bangladesh promotes eco-friendly transport

Natural disaster

Floods as part of life

Severe floods in Malawi are threatening agricultural crops

Health care

From bad to worse

The health sector in Libya has deteriorated after the revolution


The Tanzanian Maasai entering industrial age

Maasai pastoralists in Tanzania are opting for milk processing as a way to generate income


Cheap and dangerous

Motorcycle taxis in Tanzania cause many traffic accidents, but are also a cheap way of transportation


Going to school despite Ebola

After six months of closure due to the Ebola epidemic, schools in Liberia prepare to reopen

Women’s empowerment

Married too young

More work opportunities for women in Bangladesh can lower the rate of child marriages

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.