Gender, Frauen
Women’s rights

The Constitution can wait

Gender-neutral language clouds discrimination against women in India

Women’s rights

Overburdened judiciary staff

South Africa struggles to enforce modern family legislation

Matrimonial and family law

Harmful tradition

Women’s rights in Unganda in view of the bride-price burden

Fighting poverty

Right to life

Maternal health: an unattainable goal by 2015


Hard work, new opportunities

In Guatemala City, some hosehold helpers manage to get higher education

Higher education

Justice matters

Law schools must teach students complex notions of justice


Enforcing pro-women law reform

Women’s rights legislation needs to be enforced in Arab world

Sexualised war crimes

Trauma Therapy takes time

Support for the victims of sexualised violcence in war

Responding to criticism

In defence of traditional birth attendants

In praise of traditional birth attendants in Bangladesh


One death every seven minutes

Deadly illegal abortions

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