
Innovative farming in a refugee camp

A soilless cultivation technique allows refugees in a camp to grow fruit and vegetables on a small space

Livestock farming

Fodder for the dry season

Planting cattle-feed crops saves many heads of cattle from death due to drought


Eingesperrt in der Hölle

Der Journalist Jeffrey Moyo verbrachte drei Wochen in simbabwischen Gefängnissen – unter entsetzlichen Bedingungen


Saatgutlager sorgt für Sicherheit

Eine Saatgutbank in Simbabwes dient als Versicherung nach Ernteverlust

Chilli farming

A hot spice for a hot market

Zimbabwean farmers take aim at profitable global markets for hot chillies

Backyard distilleries

Covid-19 crisis boosts thriving trade in moonshine

As bars closed in lockdown, illicit home-made alcohol filled market in Zimbabwe

Plastic waste

A tidal wave of trash

A tide of plastic waste threatens Zimbabwe’s environment and key industries

Solar power

Water for a parched land

Solar powered irrigation systems boost agriculture in arid parts of Zimbabwe


Gravierende Altersarmut

Viele ältere Menschen in Simbabwe leben in bitterer Armut


Neue Verwendung für gebrauchte Fässer

Wie ein Billig-Fermenter Biogas erzeugt

Zimbabwe abonnieren