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Breathing space for politically persecuted persons

The Hamburg Foundation for Politically Persecuted People reaches out to those who promote oppressed people’s interests in action, speech and writing, or who publicly intervene in one way or another to defend and restore human rights. The Foundation provides shelter for one year, after which the guests return home reinvigourated. The Guest scholarships are not about political asylum; applicants must be willing and able to return to their home countries.
The start of next years’ scholarship will be in February/March. With support from the Hamburg Senate (the state government) the Foundation is able to host two Hamburg Guests.
The Foundation organises public events, including readings, conferences and exhibitions, in cooperation with the Guests. They are expected to take part, share some of their insights and experiences. The Foundation’s board members will select the Hamburg Guests and inform all applicants of their decision by 15 November.
If you want to know more about the Foundation, please check out:
If you want to get in touch with the Foundation, please send an e-mail to
If you want to apply, please describe your current situation and persecution on one to two pages, add your CV and if possible a letter of reference. The deadline is 30 September 2023.
The Foundation will only use personal data for the purpose of selecting Hamburg Guests.