
Zambia and DRC partnering in battery production

Zambia and the DRC hope to become massive producers and refiners of cobalt for electric vehicle batteries

Gender equality

Women are particularly disadvantaged in the informal sector

Gender equality matters in both the formal and the informal economy, for example when it comes to finance


Poor Kenyans complain about rising public debt

Instead of having shiny infrastructure projects, Kenyans would prefer to have more financial support from the government

Development project

Project develops rural community with shea butter

A sustainable rural city creates employment opportunities for rural dwellers in Uganda


Informal farming in the city

In Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, many farms face an uncertain future

Latin America

Winners on the left in Bolivia and Peru

The Andean countries’ new presidents face major domestic and economic problems

Gender justice

How education and employment improve gender equality

Gender justice depends on women’s self-confidence, and public policy can make a difference

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.